CCADV to Provide Transportation for Domestic Violence Victims Seeking a Restraining Order

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Today Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) announced that it will provide transportation to any domestic violence victims seeking to apply for a restraining order. Noting necessary court closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CCADV has noticed a downward trend in restraining order applications and wants to ensure that all victims have access to this important safety measure. CCADV is partnering with Lindsey Limousine.

“If you’re a victim of domestic violence and need a restraining order or need to know at which open courthouse you should apply, please call our advocates for guidance,” said Karen Jarmoc, chief executive officer, CCADV. “Advocates at our 18 member organizations across the state are ready to assist victims in obtaining an order and CCADV will provide free transportation so that victims can get to court.”

Due to COVID-19, several courthouses in the state have needed to close. Victims may face transportation challenges and have difficulty getting to courts in other parts of the state. Any victim who needs transportation to obtain a restraining order can contact CT Safe Connect at or (888) 774-2900. Advocates are available 24/7 via call, chat and email. They will arrange transportation for victims during the operating hours of their assigned courthouse and safely connect them with their local domestic violence organization for ongoing support and services.

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