CCADV Events
and Fundraisers To Create Change for CT
Together we can
create change.
We know we can’t do this work alone. It is only through collective impact that we can ever truly end domestic violence.
Throughout the year we hold events aimed at raising awareness and funding our work. We seek to bring together the hearts and minds of those who know some simple truths - that everyone deserves to feel safe in their home, that love shouldn’t hurt, that leaving isn’t easy and that your past does not have to define your future. Together we can raise up our voices and create a world where no person lives in fear.

First 100 Plus Because it takes a village.
Our First 100 Plus Breakfast & Awards Ceremony is our chance each year to recognize and thank the countless community partners and stakeholders who step up in ways large and small to improve outcomes for survivors and their children.
Past honorees include survivors, healthcare providers, police officers, prosecutors, religious leaders, elected officials, and so many others who through their time, talent and work prioritize the needs of survivors.